Raphaul a cree le type classique de la vierge par la perfection de la beaute vulgaire,par le contraire absolu de la beaute, que le Vinci chercha dans l’exquisite du type et la rarete de [...]
Collier oblique, blanc, fugace, insere tantot au-dessus, tantot au-dessous du milieu du pied; souvent aussi on trouve a la base du pied un ou deux bourrelets ecailleux dont le superieur peut etre [...]
Nam linguam, flexibilitate et verborum volubilitate, quis non miretur tante innumerabilium cogitationum, que agitantur animo, varietati sufficere unam, et ut ornatius et melius explicentur, quam [...]
D’un autre cote, si la Pointe-a-Lacaille ne se fut pas interposee entre les regards du Huron et le rivage de Berthier, il aurait certainement distingue deux canots qui faisaient force de [...]
Օver since two weeks, I been recently noticing several key bellwether technology ѕtocks warning of slower growth or reduced expectаtiоns. Scenario is when the NAᏚDAQ is rising аs are cheaper . [...]
It’s 2am. I’m writing this post in bed with my boyfriend quietly getting his zzz’s next to me. He’s 3 hours deep into a good night’s rest and I’ve spent the [...]
In the final video of the Holiday Survival series, I introduce a concept that will have you re-evaluate how you get new results in your life. As human beings, we all have brains that LOVE [...]
The holidays are about joy, love and GIFTS. The intention of giving and receiving gifts is to show appreciation and love for each other, but recently I have noticed there is a risk of ruining [...]
In this first video of a 3 part series, I give a tip on how to have a positive mindset in the face of challenging holiday circumstances. Understanding that what we tell our brain to focus on, [...]
A personal story about a time when I felt defeated by a project that wasn’t working. My human brain went immediately to a critical place. When I was able to see that my dis-empowerment [...]