We may think we are in control, but science now shows that our brain makes decisions subconsciously, even BEFORE we are aware of them. The brain serves one purpose: to have you survive. [...]
The new year is a refreshing ‘restart’ and most of us take this opportunity to take stock of the previous year’s results and the goals we want to achieve for the new year. In [...]
Work. Just the word can bring up an array of emotions. In business especially, work can often indicate difficulty, a ‘must do’ and effort. In our left-brain dominant society, certain kinds of [...]
Did you know that western society and education may set you up to fail as an entrepreneur? Starting and managing your own business requires us to access our full potential as human beings, [...]
Ever feel like you keep saying the same thing to someone but they just don’t seem to ‘get it’? How about saying something to someone and they respond with offense? Do people tune you out? [...]
What’s scarier than inappropriate costumes and children with sugar buzzes on Halloween? Time suckage. People often have one of two complaints: not enough money and not enough time. Usually what [...]
Often when we are facing a challenge, we evaluate our abilities and size up the problem to see if we are a match for the task at hand. The funny thing about humans, is we usually start with [...]
You decide to start a business and the first step is to determine your business goals. However, how you pursue these goals can determine your success. Namely, if you are constantly looking at [...]
Ever have those days where the time just flies? We wake up and before we know it the sun has set and we ask ourselves where the day went. Most likely you had an action packed day but there is [...]