Transform Your Life in 9 Weeks

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Stephanie's course was extremely useful and insightful. It helped me to look at my life through different eyes and it forced me to dig deep and find that motivation even when I thought it would be impossible. Tapping into my right brain has never been easier. The amazing part about this course is that there is no expiration date for what I learned. I can apply it anytime I have a new project or activity or when I need that extra boost! Thanks, Stephanie. I'm looking forward to the next course!
Shavon W., TEFL teacher & Translator
The PUYL course was both an eye-opener and a game-changer. It helped me create an action plan and showed me where I was getting hung up. If you want to charter a new course, I highly recommend that you ‘Power Up Your Life.’
Lorraine L. Television Executive & Writer
Transform Your Life in 10 Sessions...
Episode 1 (FREE) : Ridding Yourself of Limitations
In this episode we look at brain development, how we have been trained to think (unknowingly) and how these developed belief patterns prevent us from achieving the results we want. We also look at a new concept of ‘right brain thinking’ to harness our brain’s full power and inner potential to be the creators of abundance.
Episode 3: Your Conversations - Author Your Story
In Episode 3 we learn how to further harness your brain’s power by taking areas of importance and writing them as a vivid story to further focus your internal GPS on your goals. We discuss internal and external conversations and how they can create your reality and affect your happiness. Learn how to create new conversations to be more empowered in your life.
Episode 5: Resources- Looking for Abundance
In Episode 5 we learn the importance of tapping into our existing network as well as creating new communities to support us in achieving the results we want. To brainstorm and discover our resources we use a visual, ‘right brain’ technique called ‘Mind Mapping’. This process reveals the abundance of connections we have and we start to create a 'power list' of people to reach out to.
Episode 7: Productivity
In Episode 7 we look at how to schedule and manage our time effectively and in a way most optimized for our brain. We take a truthful look at how we use our time so we can then restructure and organize our day to be most productive and effective. We learn how to reduce overwhelm and find support from our communities for increased happiness and enhanced results.
Episode 9: Balance - Play Hard
In Episode 9 we cover the importance of balance. Bringing in ‘right brain’ activities quiets our noisy, critical left brain and allows for more creativity, productivity and happiness. Scientifically speaking, we perform at our best when we bring fun and play into our life. We also learn how to ‘reframe’ challenges and negative situations into positive experiences as well as other tools for stress relief.
Episode 2: Your Vision- Painting Your Destination
In this episode we discuss the importance of having a clear personal vision before taking action. What is a vision; why have one; how do you find it? By harnessing the full power of our brain and how it best processes information, we can create a solid vision for our future for improved clarity and commitment.
Episode 4: Your Reasons- Creating Abundance
In Episode 4 we look at all the REASONS you say you can’t have the results in your life. Through various written exercises you learn that reasons aren’t real and are beliefs that can be altered by taking on a new, abundant mindset. By building on your strengths and taking on a new view, you turn ‘why not’ into WHY YES as you notice new opportunities!
Episode 6: Action - Taking Idea to Result
In Episode 6 we start making our dreams a reality and the only way to do that is with action. We have spent the last few episodes increasing self-awareness and building a clear vision for our future. In this session we take the next step and look at how to effectively plan using a new ‘right brain’ visual technique and how to take consistent steps toward your goals even when we don’t ‘feel like it’.
Episode 8: Conquering Fear
In Episode 8 we discuss the #1 barrier to getting the results we want in life: FEAR. We learn the biological origin of fear and how our brain’s sole purpose is to have us survive (but at the cost of having what we want). This episode offers multiple ‘right brain’ exercises to conquer this paralyzing emotion, giving you the tools to NEVER be stopped by fear again!
BONUS Episode: Summary Session / Live Q & A
In this final episode we review the past nine weeks and interview three participants who share how this material has positively impacted their lives. Learn how others are confidently shifting their mindset and life toward abundance, watch Stephanie offer live coaching, and see how to create more breakthroughs for yourself with additional tips.

The product will be delivered to you only as a digital download. No physical products will be shipped.